Did you know that October is Financial Planning Month? That's right — this month serves as a reminder to everyone that they can accomplish their financial goals with the right strategies in place.
It's time to take out your checkbook, your calendar, your bank statements, and your credit score information. By looking over everything you've done this year financially thus far, you can get a better picture of where you'll be by the end of the year, and what next year has in store.
Here are some quick and helpful tips for figuring out your finances this October:
Explore More Investment Options
In the past, the Atlas Credit blog has discussed how and why to start investing at any age, and we hope many of our readers have gone on to make some excellent financial decisions through proper investments.
The truth is that simply having a savings account alone isn't enough. You can be using that saved money to work for you by earning more money in the stock market than it ever would sitting idly in your account. And if you plan on preparing for your retirement during Financial Planning Month, nothing can better prepare you than a handful of solid investments.
Rid Yourself of Junk and Make Some Money!
Take a hard look around your home. Then, look into any existing assets you may have that you no longer want, need, or have plans for in the future.
Now purge. Sell anything of value. Being a hoarder of possessions and property has rarely made anyone rich — it's the act of acquiring those items and selling them later that makes the most money.
Even if it means emptying out a whole room of your house of clutter to turn it into a hobby room or an office, any excuse you can find to rid yourself of excess junk should be made during Financial Planning Month this year.
And remember, if you can't sell an item, donate it! Some donations are actually tax-deductible, so it's a win-win scenario either way!
Track Your Goals
Part of successful financial planning is noting when you have achieved your goals and then planning new ones to tackle. This October, during Financial Planning Month, start a document where you can track all of your financial goals. Then, make notes on each one at the end of the month.
Did you meet your goal? Why or why not? Write down the factors that barred you from success or what boosted you to victory. For instance, maybe you stopped eating out every Friday night and instead put that extra money toward your retirement account, helping you raise it by $200 this month and meeting your goal.
Learn More About Investing
Saving your money is fantastic. But to make it go further in the long run, you will need to figure out an investment plan as well. Investing maximizes your returns and sets you up for the long-term future. Use this month to read more about investing and talk to people you trust about investment opportunities.
You will broaden your financial horizons and learn something useful. Make sure to discuss your options based on your age, as the younger you are, the better you can afford a risky strategy.
Visit a Financial Planner
If you want to get serious about Financial Planning Month, then it's time you had a meeting with a real-life financial planner. A financial planner can help you understand what must be done to reach your financial goals and can place you firmly on the path to success.
If you have made more money this year than in previous years but feel like you don't know what to do with your newfound surplus, it's super important that you see a financial planner sooner rather than later. So this October, find a local financial planner and have a talk. You won't regret it.
Find something that you really want to buy but can't quite afford yet? Need to make it through a particularly rough patch this year? Consider applying online for a quick and easy personal loan from Atlas Credit. We can get you up to $1,400 ASAP that you can pay back on your own time!
Apply For a Personal Loan Online
October is Financial Planning Month, but the holiday season is right around the corner — so when could possibly be a better time to get your finances in order? That way, once 2021 rolls around, you'll be looking at a far healthier year for your finances.