Moving? Here's How to Do it On a Budget? | Atlas Credit

Nobody likes moving day. But it's not just because of how stressful it can be (both mentally and physically, in most cases). It's because of how expensive it can be.So... More

How to Handle Your Finances After College

When you graduate college and finally enter the "real world," you'll quickly come to realize the importance of a healthy financial situation. Sure, you've understood for a long time the... More

Should I Use a Personal Loan When Buying a New or Used Car?

Are you in need of a new or used vehicle? Maybe it's time for your first car. Maybe your old car has broken down a few too many times to... More

9 Ways to Stop Your Finances From Freezing and Bounce Back

If you spent your whole year working hard and being careful with your money, it's no fun to reach the end of the year and realize you're broke.But if you... More

Winterize Your Home on A Budget: 11 Effective Tips

11 Ways to Winterize Your Home on a BudgetThere's no doubt about it — it's getting a lot colder out there!Even in Texas and Oklahoma, where it stays warm much... More

9 Things Young Adults Should Never Pay Full Price For

If you're still new to the whole adult thing, you might find that there are far more instances in your daily life where you have to spend your hard-earned money... More

Heading Back to School? Here are 15 Tips for You to Save

If you're a parent in Texas or Oklahoma, you're probably already in full preparation-mode for the upcoming school year. By now, the school district has sent out its list of supplies,... More

Save Your Wallet with These Seven Budget-Shrinking Tips!

Have you ever looked in your wallet or bank account at the end of the week and felt a little surprised at a lower number than you were expecting?We've all... More

Why Do You Need a Budget? Here are 5 Big Reasons

5 Big Reasons Why You Need A BudgetHave you ever sat down to pay your bills at the end of the month and wondered where all your hard-earned money has gone?... More

Money Problems? Here are 8 Reasons To Get a Personal Loan

Few people in the world live their whole lives without moments of financial uncertainty. So when you run into money troubles, don't sweat. There's an easy solution: a personal loan... More

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